Personal Information
Full name | Dr. Eric Priyo Prasetyo, drg., M.Kes., SpKG(K) |
Citizen | Indonesia |
No | Tahun | Judul Artikel | Nama Jurnal |
1 | 2020 | The Effect of Cobalt (II) Chloride in the Viability Percentage and the Induced Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α of Human Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells (HAMSCs): An In Vitro Study. Author: Alexander Patera Nugraha, Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Mefina Kuntjoro, Igo Syaiful Ihsan, Aristika Dinaryanti, Helen Susilowati, Eryk Hendrianto, Ida Bagus Narmada, Diah Savitri Ernawati, Andreas Pratama Nugraha, Fedik Abdul Rantam | Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol11 No.6, 308-314 2020 |
2 | 2020 | Cytotoxicity of calcium hydroxide on human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells Author: Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Ira Widjiastuti, Febriastuti Cahyani, Mefina Kuntjoro, Nike Hendrijantini, Ninuk Hariyani, Ervina Restiwulan Winoto, Alexander Patera Nugraha, Sianiwati Goenharto, Helen Susilowati, Eryk Hendrianto, Fedik Abdul Rantam | Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada Vol12 , 2020 |
3 | 2020 | Lipopolysaccharide’s cytotoxicity on human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells Author: Mefina Kuntjoro, Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Febriastuti Cahyani, Michael Josef Kridanto Kamadjaja, Nike Hendrijantini, Harry Laksono, Primanda Nur Rahmania, Vivin Ariestania, Alexander Patera Nugraha, Igo Syaiful Ihsan, Aristika Dinaryanti, Fedik Abdul Rantam | Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada Vo.12, 2020 https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=h_cYYi4AAAAJ&citation_for_view=h_cYYi4AAAAJ:_FxGoFyzp5QC |
5 | 2020 | One visit endodontic on asymtomatic mummificated mandibular molar Author: Sholeh Ardjanggi, Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Tamara Yuanita, Eric Priyo Prasetyo | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol10 no.2, 2020 p 80-82 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
6 | 2020 | The differences between mangosteen peel extract irrigant and NaOCl 2.5% on root canal cleanliness Author: Cornelia Melinda Adi Santoso, Karlina Samadi, Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol10 no.1, 2020 p 40-43 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
7 | 2021 | Cobalt (II) Chloride in Enhancing Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α Expression of Gingival Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Vitro Author: Alexander P Nugraha, Igo S Ihsan, Aristika Dinaryanti, Eryk Hendrianto, Helen Susilowati, Eric P Prasetyo, Ida B Narmada, Diah S Ernawati, Andreas P Nugraha, Viol Dhea Kharisma, Wibi Riawan, Fedik A Rantam | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Vol14 No.5, p 2639-2642, 2021 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Viol-Kharisma/publication/351638342_Cobalt_II_Chloride_in_Enhancing_Hypoxia_Inducible_Factor-1a_Expression_of_Gingival_Derived_Mesenchymal_Stem_Cells_in_Vitro/links/60a2d9c7a6fdccb8dc6101c4/Cobalt-II-Chloride-in-Enhancing-Hypoxia-Inducible-Factor-1a-Expression-of-Gingival-Derived-Mesenchymal-Stem-Cells-in-Vitro.pdf |
8 | 2021 | The Effect of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) on Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hUCMSCs) with regard to Osteogenesis and Calcification Author: Mefina Kuntjoro, Bambang Agustono, Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Sherman Salim, Fedik Abdul Rantam, Nike Hendrijantini | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Vo.14 No.8 p4019-1024, 2021 |
9 | 2021 | Calcium hydroxide increases human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells expressions of apoptotic protease-activating factor-1, caspase-3 and caspase-9 Author: Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Mefina Kuntjoro, Setyabudi Goenharto, Devi Eka Juniarti, Febriastuti Cahyani, Nike Hendrijantini, Alexander Patera Nugraha, Ninuk Hariyani, Fedik Abdul Rantam | Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry Vol13 No.59, 2021 ISSN: 1179-1357 https://www.dovepress.com/clinical-cosmetic-and-investigational-dentistry-journal |
10 | 2021 | Calcium hydroxide upregulates interleukin-10 expression in time dependent exposure and induces osteogenic differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells Author: ERIC PRIYO Prasetyo, MEFINA Kuntjoro, FEBRIASTUTI Cahyani, SETYABUDI Goenharto, W Saraswati, DE Juniarti, N Hendrijantini, N Hariyani, AP Nugraha, FA Rantam | Int J Pharm Res Vol.13 no.1 P.140-145, 2021 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eric-Prasetyo-2/publication/351020186_Calcium_Hydroxide_Upregulates_Interleukin-10_Expression_in_Time_Dependent_Exposure_and_Induces_Osteogenic_Differentiation_of_Human_Umbilical_Cord_Mesenchymal_Stem_Cells/links/629afd806886635d5cbd3bc1/Calcium-Hydroxide-Upregulates-Interleukin-10-Expression-in-Time-Dependent-Exposure-and-Induces-Osteogenic-Differentiation-of-Human-Umbilical-Cord-Mesenchymal-Stem-Cells.pdf |
11 | 2022 | The Effect of α-Mangostin on TLR-4 and PGE2 in the Dentin-Pulp Complex Exposed to HEMA Author: Febriastuti Cahyani, Widya Saraswati, Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Meircurius Dwi Condro Surboyo, Wibi Riawan, Karina Erda Saninggar, Ninuk Hariyani, Anisa Kusumawardani, Adioro Soetojo | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research Vol.15 No.1, p 21-26, 2022 ISSN: 1309-100X http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/4-2-D22_1783_Dian_Agustin_Wahjuningrum_Indonesia.pdf |
12 | 2021 | White pomegranate (Punica granatum) peels extract bactericidal potency on Enterococcus faecalis Author: Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Widya Saraswati, Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Latief Mooduto, Rizka Firdaus Rosidin, Evelyn Tjendronegoro | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol11 no.2, 2021 p 84-88 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
13 | 2021 | Antibacterial activity and phytochemical analysis of ethanolic purple leaf extract (Graptophyllum Pictum L. griff) on Lactobacillus Acidophilus Author: Devi Eka Juniarti, Tuti Kusumaningsih, Adioro Soetojo, Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Yulianti Kartini Sunur | Malaysian J Med Heal Sci Vol.17, p 71-73, 2021 |
14 | 2022 | Cytotoxicity of HA-TCP Scaffold on Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells using MTT Assay Author: Vivin Ariestania, Nike Hendrijantini, Chiquita Prahasanti, Eric Prasetyo, Mefina Kuntjoro, Rima Parwati Sari | International Journal of Integrated Engineering Vo.14 No.2, p 80-85, 2022 https://publisher.uthm.edu.my/ojs/index.php/ijie |
15 | 2022 | The antibacterial efficacy of calcium hydroxide–iodophors and calcium hydroxide–barium sulfate root canal dressings on Enterococcus faecalis and Porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro Author: Eric Priyo Prasetyo, Devi Eka Juniarti, Galih Sampoerno, Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Ananta Tantri Budi, Dyanita Hasri, Evelyn Tjendronegoro | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vo.55 No.2, p 62-66 2022 ISSN International Centre; E-ISSN: 2442-9740; P-ISSN: 1978-3728 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/MKG |