Personal Information
Full name | Prof. dr. Ira Widjiastuti, drg., SpKG(K) |
Citizen | Indonesia |
No | Tahun | Judul Artikel | Nama Jurnal |
1. | 2017 | Anti-glucan effects of propolis ethanol extract on Lactobacillus acidophillus | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 2017 March; 50(1): 28–31 |
2. | 2017 | Stimulasi Ekstrak Propolis Pada Odontoblast Like Cells Yang Diinduksi Lactobacillus acidopilus Inaktif terhadap Ekspresi TLR2 dan TNFα | ODONTO Dental Journal. Volume 4. Nomer 2. Desember 2017 |
3. | 2017 | Lactobacillus Acidophillus Stimulates The Activation of Nfκ-Β and DMP-1 Odontoblast like Cells in The Dentinogenesis Proces | Proceeding International Medical Device and Technology Conference (iMEDiTEC) Johor Bahru, 2017. |
4. | 2017 | Case Report: Surgical Endodontic Treatment of Maxillary Central Incisors With Large Periapical Lesion | Proceeding International Scientific Meeting (TINI IV) & IKORGI NATIONAL CONGRESS XI, Surabaya, November , 2017. Pp 461-466 |
5. | 2018 | Cleaning Efficacy of Root Canal Irrigation with Positive and Negative Pressure System | Iranian Endodontic Journal 2018;13(3): 398-402 |
6. | 2018 | Differences in photodynamic therapy exposure time and Staphylococcus aureus counts | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 2018 June; 51(2): 95–98 |
7. | 2018 | Differences in photodynamic therapy exposure time and Staphylococcus aureus counts | Dent. J. (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 2018 June; 51(2): 95–98 |
8. | 2019 | Pulp Fibroblast Cell Apoptosis After Application of Hema Dentine Bonding Material with Ethanol and Water Solvent | Brazilian Dental Journal (2019) 30(3): 208-212 |
9. | 2019 | The difference between porcelain and composite resin shear bond strength in the administration of 4% and 19.81% silane | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 2019 March; 52(1): 27–31 |
10. | 2019 | Proliferation of odontoblast-like cells following application of a combination of calcium hydroxide and propolis. | Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 2019 December; 52(4): 183–186 |
11. | 2019 | Management of an Elderly Patient with Orthostatic Hypotension in Endodontic Retreatment: A Case Report | Acta Medica Philipina Vol.53 No.5, 2019 |
12. | 2019 | Compressive Strength Test on Calcium Hydroxide with Propolis Combination | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.9 No.1 Januari-Juni 2019 :28-32 |
13. | 2019 | Effect of hydrogel Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) to the number of fibroblast cell proliferation in the perforation of Wistar rat tooth pulp | Conservative Dentistry Journal. 9 (2) July-December 2019; 93-96 |
14. | 2019 | Cytotoxicity test of 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride–based dentine bonding material using acetone solution in dental pulp fibroblast | J Int Oral Health .2019. September 2 . 11(4).191-195 |
15. | 2019 | Effective dose of combined calcium hydroxide-propolis to inhibit Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans biofilms | The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry. Vol 44 ConsAsia AOFCD Seoul , Korea |
16. | 2020 | The cytotoxicity test of calcium hydroxide, propolis, and calcium hydroxide-propolis combination in human pulp fibroblast | Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research.Vol. 11. Issue 1. January-March 2020 |
17. | 2020 | Propolis extract as pulp capping material enhances odontoblastlike cell thickness and type 1 collagen expression (in vivo) | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 2020 March; 53(1): 1–5 |
18. | 2020 | Effect of calcium hydroxide-propolis combination on the number of fibroblast cells and angiogenesis in Wistar rats pulp | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol. 10 No. 1 January-June 2020; 14-18 |
19. | 2020 | Effectiveness of calcium hydroxide- propolis extract combination against lactobacillus acidophilus colonization | Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol 20. No.2;2020; 4953-4956 |
20. | 2020 | The distribution of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in children with dental caries severity level | Dent. J. (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 2020. March; 53(1): 36–39 |
21. | 2020 | Cytotoxicity of calcium hydroxide on human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells | Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 20, 2020 |
22. | 2020 | Combinations of propolis and Ca (OH) 2 in dental pulp capping treatment for the stimulation of reparative dentin formation in a rat model | F1000Research 9, 2020 |
23. | 2021 | The NF-kB and collagen type expression in dental pulp after treated calcium hydroxide combined with propolis | European Journal of Dentistry 15 (01), 122-126, 2021 |
24. | 2021 | The Role of Propolis in Pulp Pain by Inhibiting Cyclooxygenase-2 Expressio | Conservative Dentistry Journal, 2021 |
25. | 2021 | Cellulose Fiber from Coconut Coir for Development of Dental Composite Filler. | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. 14 ( 4) ∙ 2021.1401-1405 |
26. | 2021 | An effective concentration of propolis extract to inhibit the activity of Streptococcus mutans glucosyltransferase enzyme | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi).54(4).2021. 186-189. |
27. | 2021 | The Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Alkaline Phosphatase Due to Induction of Combination Calcium Hydroxides and Propolis | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 14 (2), 2021.543, -548 |
28. | 2022 | Application of combination Propolis Extract and Calcium Hydroxide as aDirect Pulp cappingagent on MMP-1 expressionand Collagen type 1 density in Rat’s Pulp tissue | Mal J Med Health Sci 18(SUPP6). Vol.April 2022.17-23 |
29. | 2022 | The correlation of Dentine elastic moduli andpH after exposed to combination of calcium hydroxide prpopolis-propylene glycol | Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research.Vol. 18. Issue 1. January-March 2022 |
30. | 2022 | The difference in analgesic effect betweeneugenol and propolisextract in mice (Mus musculus) Using the writhing test methode. | Bali medical Journal. 11(3).22-23 |
31. | 2022 | Antibacterial effect of calcium hydroxide-propoliscombination against oral microbiome of dental caries | Bali medical Journal. 11(3).5. |
32. | 2022 | Synthesis of Cellulose Fiber from Coconut Coir as Potential Application of Dental Flowable Composite Filler | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. 15 (2)∙ ∙ 2022.618-622. |