Personal Information
Full name | Setyabudi drg., M.Kes. ,Sp.KG |
Citizen | Indonesia |
No | Tahun | Judul Artikel | Nama Jurnal |
1 | 2018 | Perbedaan Daya Antibakteri Antara Kombinasi Calcium Hydroxide-Based Sealer-Amoxicillin Dan Resin-Based Sealer-Amoxicillin Terhadap Bakteri Enterococcus Faecalis Author: Asarizka Bena, Agus Subiwahjudi, Setyabudi Setyabudi | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.8 no.1, 2018 p 1-4 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
2 | 2018 | Perbedaan kekuatan geser resin komposit nanohybrid dengan teknik water-wet bonding A ethanol-wet bonding terhadap dentin Author: Fara Dwiyanti, Ruslan Effendy, Setyabudi Setyabudi | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.8 no.1, 2018 p 20-24 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
3 | 2018 | Perbedaan Daya AntibakteriEkstrak Kulit Kokoa (Theobroma cacao) dan NaOCl 2, 5% terhadapPorphyromonas gingivalis Author: Tamara Yuanita, Rifatul Jannah, Edhie Arif Pasetyo, Setyabudi Setyabudi | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.8 no.1, 2018 p 49-56 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
4 | 2018 | Surface roughness of nanofilled and nanohybrid composite resins exposed to kretek cigarette smoke Author: Laksmiari Setyowati, S Setyabudi, Johanna Chandra | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol.51 No.1, p.37-41, 2018 (ISSN International Centre; E-ISSN: 2442-9740; P-ISSN: 1978-3728 |
5 | 2018 | Kekasaran Permukaan Resin Komposit Nanofilled dan Nanohybrid Setelah Paparan Asap Rokok Kretek Author: Johanna Chandra, Laksmiari Setyowati, Setyabudi Setyabudi | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.8 no.1, 2018 p 30-35 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
6 | 2019 | The effect of theobromine and NaF 2% exposure to enamel surface hardness after immersing in orange juice beverage Author: Tamara Yuanita, Setyabudi Setyabudi, Qintan Sekar Adjani | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.9 no.2, 2019 p 70-73 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
7 | 2019 | Compressive Strength Test on Calcium Hydroxide with Propolis Combination Author: Ira Widjiastuti, S Setyabudi, M Mudjiono, Erika Setyowati | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.9 no.1, 2019 p 28-32 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
8 | 2019 | Effect of hydrogel Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) to the number of fibroblast cell proliferation in the perforation of Wistar rat tooth pulp Author: Ira Widjiastuti, Kun Ismiyatin, Djoko Agus Purwanto, Tiara Sukmawati | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.9 no.2, 2019 p 93-96 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
9 | 2020 | Antibiofilm activity of flavonoid mangosteen pericarp extract against Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria Author: Aprillia Sonya Federika, Mandojo Rukmo, Setyabudi Setyabudi | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.10 no.1, 2020 p 27-30 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
10 | 2020 | THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE-PROPOLIS ON THE NUMBER OF MACROFAG CELLS ON THE WISTAR RAT DENTAL WITH PULPA PERFORMANCE Author: Setyabudi Setyabudi, Devi Eka Juniarti, Ira Widjiastuti, Maughfirah Shintya Fathori | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.10 no.2, 2020 p 58-61 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
11 | 2020 | The Difference of Irrigant Solution between Red Pine Extract (Pinus densiflora) and Green Pine Extract (Pinus merkusii) Against Cleanliness of Root Canal Walls Author: Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Setyabudi Setyabudi, Sukaton Sukaton, Yuline Krishartini | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.10 no.2, 2020 p 58-61 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
12 | 2020 | THE EFFECT OF COMBINATION CALCIUM HYDROXIDE-PROPOLIS APPLICATION TO AMOUNT OF NEUTROFIL CELLS ON WISTAR RAT PULP PERFORATION Author: Ira Widjiastuti, Setyabudi Setyabudi, Nia Nur Haliza | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.10 no.2, 2020 p 66-70 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
13 | 2021 | Property Test of Phosphate and Hydroxyl Groups from Lates Carcarifer Fish Scale as a Candidate for Synthetic Hydroxy apatite using the FTIR Method Author: Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Anuj Bhardwaj, Syania Edinda Febriyanti, Nadia Liliani Soetiipta, Latief Mooduto | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research Vol.14 no.2, 489-493p, 2021 http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/5-D20_1363_DIAN_AGUSTIN_WAHJUNINGRUM_Indonesia.pdf |
14 | 2021 | Antioxidant Potential of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, Ascorbic Acid, and Sodium Ascorbate in Solution and Gel Forms by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Assay Author: Virdah Dwi Dewaantari, Setyabudi Setyabudi, Kun Ismiyatin | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.11 no.1, 2021 p 19-23 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
15 | 2021 | Osteoinduction Ability of Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell with Chitosan Scaffold Combination Towards Blood Serum Phosphorus Levels Author: Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Nindya RA Marhendra, M Roelianto, Ari Subiyanto, Fery Setiawan, Syania E Febriyanti, Tamara Yuanita, Swadheena Patro, Anuj Bhardwaj | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research Vol. 14 No.4, p 1386-1393, 2021 http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/11-D21_1651_Dian_Agustin_Indonesia-2-Setyabudi.pdf |
16 | 2021 | The Effectiveness of Propolis Extract against Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS) Biofilm Enterococcus Faecalis Bacteria Author: Latief Mooduto, Dhea Adittya, Ari Subiyanto, Anuj Bhardwaj, Zoraya Arwidhyan, Setyabudi Goenharto, Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research Vol.14 no.1, p 54-59, 2021 http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/9-E-D20_1312_Dian_Agustin_Wahjuningrum_Indonesia.pdf |
17 | 2021 | E-Max Restoration on an Endodontically Treated Maxillary Lateral Incisor Using an Intra-Oral Digital Scanner Author: Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Elvi Sahara | Journal of International Dental and Medical Research Vo.14 No.3.. p 1132-1137, 2021 http://www.jidmr.com/journal/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/43-D21_1517_Dian-Agustin-Wahjuningrum_Setyabudi_Indonesia.pdf |
18 | 2021 | Photodynamic Therapy 405 nm Diode Laser as Antibacterial for Cavity and Root Canal Sterilization Author: Tasya Nafatila Chalisha, Nadira Nurin Febrianti, Sri Kunarti, Setyabudi Setyabudi | Conservative Dentistry Journal Vol.11 no.2, 2021 p 62-66 p-ISSN: 2087-1848, e-ISSN: 2722-8045 https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/CDJ |
19 | 2021 | Chitosan Antibacterial Activity Against Streptococcus viridans Author: Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Halida Dwi Pramesti, Manuel Raynaldy Sihombing, Zabrina Luthfiana | Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.17 No.54-59 |
20 | 2022 | Antibacterial Effectiveness of Chitosan Solution on Streptococcus Mutans Author: Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum, Setyabudi Setyabudi, Daniel Hadinata, Ilona Talitha Amalia, Rizki Annisa Ro’ifa, Devi Eka Juniarti | Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.18 No.4, p. 483-488 |