Odontologi Forensik

Odontologi Forensik (Forensic Dentistry) adalah aplikasi ilmu kedokteran gigi untuk kepentingan identifikasi dan penegakan hukum. Departemen ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa tentang anatomi, maksilofasial, dan odontologi forensik. Lulusan diharapkan dapat melakukan identifikasi pribadi dengan menggunakan ilmu odontologi forensik untuk kepentingan keadilan. Departemen Odontologi Forensik juga berupaya untuk meningkatkan peran masyarakat melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan penulisan rekam medis pribadi sebagai upaya pendataan ante mortem. Bidang penelitian unggulan dalam ondotologi forensik adalah analisis bekas gigitan, analisis sidik bibir (Cheiloscopy), penentuan usia berdasarkan data gigi dan analisis DNA.
Meningkatkan peran Odontologi Forensik dalam Identifikasi Korban Bencana dan aspek mediko-legal di Indonesia
Mengoptimalkan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta membekali mahasiswa program sarjana dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Odontologi Forensik secara kompeten.
Staff Akademisi
Tahun | Nama Paten | ||
2019 | Rekam Identifikasi Pribadi (Personal Identification Records) | No. EC00201988518 | |
2020 | Analysis of 3D scanned surface data of dental casts for forensic identification | EC00202006087 |
No | Tahun | Penulis | Judul |
1 | 2017 | Arofi Kurniawan, Kouya Yodokawa, Koichi Ito, Moe Kosaka, Takafumi Aoki, Toshihiko Suzuki, Keiichi Sasaki | 3D Data Analysis for Forensic Dental Identification |
2 | 2018 | Arofi Kurniawan, Kouya Yodokawa, Koichi Ito, Moe Kosaka, Takafumi Aoki, Toshihiko Suzuki, Keiichi Sasaki | Evaluation of three-dimensional dental identification based on the supposed maxillary occlusal plane for superimposition |
3 | 2018 | Yuka Hatano, Moe Kosaka, Arofi Kurniawan, Khongorzul Tsogzaikhan, Toshihiko Suzuki | Current Status and Issues in the Facial Reconstruction of Japanese |
4 | 2018 | Moe Kosaka, Yuka Hatano, Arofi Kurniawan, Khongorzul Tsogzaikhan, Toshihiko Suzuki | The Difference in Fluorescence Spectrum between Light-cured Composite Resin and Enamel Under UV-LED Light |
5 | 2020 | Arofi Kurniawan, Kouya Yodokawa, Moe Kosaka, Koichi Ito, Keiichi Sasaki, Takafumi Aoki and Toshihiko Suzuki | Determining the effective number and surfaces of teeth for forensic dental identification through the 3D point cloud data analysis |
6 | 2020 | Arofi Kurniawan, Shintya Rizky Ayu Agitha, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, Haryono Utomo, An’nisaa Chusida, Agung Sosiawan, Maria Istiqomah Marini, Beta Novia Rizky | The applicability of Willems dental age estimation method for Indonesian children population in Surabaya |
7 | 2020 | Arofi Kurniawan | Determining the genuine and the imposter pair of the dental arch pattern through the 3D point cloud |
8 | 2020 | Maria I. Marini, Hastomo Angrosidy, Arofi Kurniawan, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha | The Anthropological Analysis of the Nasal Morphology of Dayak Kenyah Population in Indonesia as a Basic Data for Forensic Identification |
9 | 2020 | Mieke Sylvia Margaretha Amiatun Ruth, Melly Purnadianti, Maria Istiqomah Marini | Blood Group Analysis from Cigarette Butts by Absorption Inhibition Method: An Experimental Study |
10 | 2020 | An’nisaa Chusida | Carabelli’s cusp in mixed dentition phases and permanent dentition early phase |
11 | 2020 | Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, Novita, Levina Gita, Arofi Kurniawan, Haryono Utomo | Age Estimation with Smartphone: Is It Reliable for Forensics Identification? |
12 | 2020 | Haryono Utomo, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha Amiatun Ruth, Levina Gita Wangsa, Rodrigo Ernesto Salazar-Gamarra, Luciano Lauria Dib | Simple smartphone applications for superimposing 3D imagery in forensic dentistry |
13 | 2021 | Arofi Kurniawan, M. Rizky Rafianto Wibowo, Beta Novia Rizky, Maria I. Marini, An’nisaa Chusida, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha | The Reliability of Dental Age Estimation in Adults Using the Pulp/Tooth Ratio in Surabaya, Indonesia Population |
14 | 2021 | Agung Sosiawan, Cahyo Pulunggono, Arofi Kurniawan, Haryono Utomo, Maria I. Marini, Beta Novia Rizky, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha | Inheritance Pattern of Lip Prints and Blood Group among Parents and their Offspring in Javanese Population, Indonesia for Assisting Forensic Identification |
15 | 2021 | Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, Monica H. Putri, Arofi Kurniawan, Haryono Utomo, An’nisaa Chusida, Agung Sosiawan, Beta Novia Rizky, Maria I. Marini | Sexual dimorphism using Gonial Angle in children related to diet and environment in Surabaya, Indonesia |
16 | 2021 | Ahmad Yudianto, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, Fery Setiawan, Ma’rifatul Ula | Human Age Estimation Through DNA Metilation Analysis Method from Bite Mark Samples in Forensic Identification |
17 | 2021 | Beta Novia Rizky, Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, Ahmad Yudianto | Effect of Long Exposure Against Quantity and Quality of DNA in Toothpick Samples as an Alternative for Individual Identification |