Personal Information
Full name | Prof. Dr. Utari Kresnoadi.drg.MS.Sp Pros (K) |
Citizen | Indonesia |
No | Tahun | Judul Artikel | Nama Jurnal |
1. | 2018 | Effect of Induction mangosteen peel extract combined with DFDBBX on osteocalcin,collagen1 and osteoblast as alveolar bone regeneration in socketpreservation.,Journal of Indian prosthodontic Society, 2018, 18 (1) April Utari Kresnoadi ( Author), Tika Rahardjo, Rostiny | 2018Journal of Indian prosthodontic Society, 18 (1, :120–125.Scopus Q2 |
2. | 2018 | The immunomodulatory effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves extract on immunocompromised Wistar rats infected by Candida albicans: Retno Rahayu, Remita, Utari Kresnoadi, djoko A Purwanto, M. Rubianto. (Co-Author) | 2018, Journal vetenery world, , 11(6): 765-770, Scopus Q3 |
3. | 2019 | Effect of hydroxi apatite gypsum puger scafold applied to rat alveolar bone socket on osteoclast, osteoblast and trabeculae bone area , A Naini, IK Sudiana, M Rubianto, U Kresnoadi, FDE Latief ( Co -Author) | 2019,Dental Journal. Vol 52(1)13-17, SINTA 2 |
4. | 2019 | Cox-2 Induced T cell accumulation and IFN-y production during the developtment of chromium allergy : RM Sitalaksmi, K Ito, K Ogaswara, Y Suto, M Itabashi, L Ueda, N,Hendrijantini, U Kresnoadi. ( Co- Author) | 2019, J Autoimmunity, 52(5-6) 228-234 |
5. | 2019 | TheRole combination Moringa Oleifera leaf extract,with DFDBBX on tooth extraction socket preservation materials on eosteocalcin TGF beta expression in alveolar bone of Cavia cobaya Utari Kresnoadi, Eha Djuaeha, Primanda NR, Hera Utami, Bambang Agustono, ( Author) | 2019, The Journal of indian prosthodontic Society , Vol 19, No 2, 120-…,Scopus Q2 |
6. | 2019 | The Effect of a combination of propolis extract and Bovine Bone graft on the quantity of fibroblast, osteoblast and osteoclast in tooth extraction socket, Louisa Christy Lunardi, Utari Kresnoadi, Bambang Agustonoi ( Co-Author) | 2019,Dental journal, Vol 52(03) :126-132 Sinta 2 |
7. | 2020 | Effect of propolis extract& Bovine bone graft combination of the number of osteoblast and osteoclast as an effort to preserve post extraction socket ( on cavia cobaya) M. Nizar, Utari Kresnoadi and Soekobagiono ( Co-Author) | 2020, Dental Journal, Vol 53,No 1, p 10-15, Sinta 2 |
8. | 2020 | Telescope overdenyure as an alternative rehabilitation for the loss of several anterior teeth, BrigitaDwitya S Subijakto, Utari Kresnoadi. ( Co-Author) | 2020, Dental journal,Vol 53,No 3:133-139 |
9. | 2020 | Effective dose of propolis extract combined with bovine bone graft on the number of osteoblast and osteoclast in tooth extraction socket preservation ., Teguh Setio Yuli Prabowo, Utari Kresnoadi ,Hanoem Eka Hidajati ( Co Author) | 2020, Dental Journal, Vol 53(1):40-44, Sinta 2 |
10. | 2020 | The Potencial of natural propolis extract combined with Bovine Bone Graft in increising of Heat shock protein 70 and osteocalcin socket preservation Utari Kresnoadi, Retno pudji rahayu, Maretaningtyas D.A, Soesanto . ( Author) | 2020, Europian Journal of Dentistry, Vol 14 (01): 31-37 Scopus Q2 |
11. | 2020 | Tissue repair in post extraction sockets of cavia cobaya Induced by combination of propolis and grafts, Utari Kresnoadi, Roselini Halim, Hananah Oktadial, Mutiara Aryanita. ( Author) | 2020, Journal of Biology research, Vol 25, N0 : 2, p 64-70, Juni , Teridex Copernicus and thomson |
12. | 2020 | Proplis Extract and Bovine Bone Graft combination in the expression of VEGF and FGF2 on the preservation of post extraction socket, Utari Kresnoadi, Louisa Christie L, Bambang Agustono. ( Author) | 2020,Journalof Indian Prosthodontis society,Vol 20 no 4, p 417-423. Scopus Q2 |
13. | 2020 | Expression of Interleukin 1 β and TGFβ due to Induction with Natural Propolis Extract and Bovine Bone graft combination in Yooyh extraction Socket leading to Alveolar Bone Regeneration. Utari Kresnoadi,Teguh Setio Yuli Prabowo. ( Author) | 2020, Journal International Dental and Medical reseach, Vol 13 No 3, p 935-938,Scopus Q3 |
14. | 2020 | The effectiveness of Taro ( Colocasia esculenta L Schott) leaf extract as a denture cleanser againts CAndida Albicans in acrylic plate, Olivia Ananto, Utari Kresnoadi, Agus Dahlan ( Co Author) | 2020, Eurasia J Bionsci,, Vol 14,3895-3808, Scopus Q4 |
15. | 2020 | Toxicity test of Shrimp shell ( Litopenaeus Vanname) chitosan as bone graft scaffold on BHK 21 fibroblast cell cultures, Benny saputra, Utari Kresnoadi. ( Co-Author) | 2020, Eurasia J Bionsci,Vol 14,3895-3747-3751, 2020, Scopus Q4 |
16. | 2020 | Anti bacterial and solubility power differences of luting cement, resin reinforced glass ionomer, bioactive and resin based composite in dental restoration, Utari Kresnoadi, I Ketut Budi Santosa. ( Author) | 2020 Eurasia J Bionsci, Vol 14,3895-3779-3783, 2020, Scopus Q4 |
17. | 2020 | Macrophage analysis of the combination of Moringa leaf extract and DFDBBX in cavia cobaya tooth extraction sicket, Primanda Nur Rahmaniah, Utari Kresnoadi, Karina Mundiratri, Dimas Aditya Ari ( Co -Author) | 2020 Biochem Cell Arch, Vol 20, suplement 1,,pp3113-3117,Scopus Q4 |
18. | 2020 | Nutrition education and mastication improvement through social services provision in Ketapang sub-district,Probolinggo, Utari Kresnoadi, Mishael Josef Kridanto Kamajaya, Muhammad Dimas Aditya Ari ( Author) | 2020 Indonesian Journal of Prosthodontics 1 (2): 71-74 |
19. | 2021 | Ethanol extrac of Propolis -bovine bone graft combination as a prospective candidate for socket preservation: Enhancing BMP7 and decreasing NFATc1, Utari Kresnoadi, Jennifer Widjaja, Harry Laksono ( Author) | 2021,Saudi Dental Journal, Vol 33 : 1055-1062, SCOPUS Q 1 |
20. | 2022 | The Potenstial for induction of the expression of bone morphogenetic protein -7 and Alkaline phosphatase in post extraction tooth sockets using a clmbination of mangosteen peel extract and DFDBBX, Utari Kresnoadi, Diva Amelia Ruslianda, Harry Laksono. ( Author) | 2022, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science , Vol 12 ( 02),pp 109-115, Scopus Q2,februari 2022 |
21. | 2022 | Closed mouth impression methode for immediate complete denture fabrication on maxillary and mandibular flat ridges in medical compromised patient : A case report, Utari Kresnoadi, Marcella Theodhora ( Author) | 2022,World journal of Advanced Research and Review13 (03), 348-353 Terindex : Copernicus, Google Scholar,cross smark,science gate,microsoft academic etc. |
22. | 2022 | The Effect of Propolis-xenograft on the expression of Sox 2 ,Sox9 and woven bone in alveolar bone remodeling, Utari Kresoadi, Jennifer Wijaya, Primanda Nur Rahmania, Muhammad Dimas Aditya Ari and Imam safari azhar. ( Author) | 2022,World journal of Advanced Research and Review15 (03), 298-305 Terindex : Copernicus, Google Scholar,cross smark,science gate,microsoft academic etc. |
23. | 2022 | Increased Expression of RUNX2 and ALP resulting from a combination of Propolis extract and Bovine Bone Graft in socket preservation materials, Utari Kresnoadi, M. Nizar and Soekobagiono ( Author) | Accepted, Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Scopus Q 2 |